Courses > Level 1 Qualification in Sports Leadership
Level 1 Qualification in Sports Leadership
Sports Leader is a leadership programme provided to schools, clubs and youth groups. The Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership is a practical award in which learners must demonstrate their ability to lead others in simple sport/activity. Participants learn the skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving and the preparation and planning of activities to help them develop, lead and evaluate their own activity. It has a multi-sport practical approach where learners are introduced to a wide variety of generic and sport specific games to ensure a fun, practical learning experience. The course is assessment based and on completion each participant receives the Sport Leadership Award.
Through a combination of guided learning learners sucessfully completing the course, learners will:
- Know the skills and behaviours needed to lead others
- Be able to use leadership skills and behaviours effectively
- Be able to take on the roles and responsibilities of an official in sport/physical activity
- Know the leadership opportunities available to them
- Be able to plan, lead and review structured and inclusive sport/physical activity
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